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Our Python libraries

Python is a versatile and powerful language, and it's used in a wide range of applications. We started using Python for our services because of their simplicity and compatibility with other services. Because of that, we have created some libraries to help you build your applications or integrate other services to your Python applications.

Our components

  • django-i18n: A set of tools to help you internationalize your Django applications easily and quickly.
  • flespi: A set of tools to help you integrate your Python applications with the Flespi API.
  • general-conversors: A set of tools to help you convert data from one format to another.
  • layrz-forms: A set of tools to help you build forms for your Python applications.
  • layrz-sdk: A set of tools to help you integrate your Python applications with our services.
  • osrm-utils: A Python wrapper for the OSRM API, compatible with the OSRM API or a local OSRM server.
  • telegram-sdk: A set of tools to help you integrate your Python applications with the Telegram API.
  • wialon: A set of tools to help you integrate your Python applications with the Wialon Remote API.