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Layrz SDK

To do anything in Layrz with Python or LCL, you need the Layrz SDK. It is a set of definitions of the entities and functions that you can use to create your own applications.

Keep in mind that the SDK is not a wrapper, the usage of this SDK requires other modules of Layrz, like the sensors, or triggers to work. To get more information about the usage of the SDK in real-case scenarios, you can look at the Python examples.

Why we created the Layrz SDK?

In the real world, each case-scenario are different, but, to do a flexible ecosystem, requires a deep standarization, and that's why we created the Layrz SDK. It is a set of definitions of the entities and functions that you can use to create your own sensors, triggers, charts and reports.

Our commitment for all of our customers and other developers around the world is to provide the best ecosystem, flexible and reliable, Layrz SDK is part of this commitment, allowing to other developers to create awesome things using Layrz.

The Layrz SDK is open source?

Yes, it is! The Layrz SDK is open source, and you can find it in our GitHub repository. You can contribute to improve performance, reliability, and flexibility of the SDK by sending us a pull request.

Can I request features or new entities in Layrz?

Of course you can! We are always open to new ideas and suggestions, tell us your idea and real-case scenario, and, if the idea is good, we will add it to the Layrz Core and Layrz APIoT to make it available for everyone.